- Live for: 480 days and 17.3 hours
- Blueprints stored: 389
- Size of the strings: 925.576 KB
- Size of the titles and descriptions: 15.713 KB
- Size of the preview images: 103.8 MB
- Time spent rendering the current previews: 2 minutes and 32.862 seconds
- Blueprint views: 748
- Blueprint commands: 114756 build and 31261 config
- Blueprint contents: 40196619
- Cargo Hatch: 56775
- Loader: 44962
- Iron Block: 35756
- Hyper Rubber Block: 32738
- Hyper Ice Block: 21362
- Ladder: 16826
- Item Net: 11213
- Cannon: 9798
- Expando Box: 7739
- Pusher: 6592
- Walkway: 6472
- Shield Generator: 5687
- Logistics Rail: 5651
- Fluid Tank: 4353
- Thruster: 4233
- Recycler: 1980
- Fabricator (Munitions): 1564
- Cargo Ejector: 1469
- Thruster (Starter): 676
- Fabricator (Engineering): 612
- Munitions Supply Unit: 525
- Starter Cannon: 450
- Shield Projector: 432
- Helm (Starter): 339
- Turret Controller: 311
- Navigation Unit (Starter): 282
- Cargo Hatch (Starter): 256
- Fabricator (DEPRECATED): 205
- Machine Cannon: 179
- Comms Station: 99
- Burst Cannon: 98
- Helm: 77
- Fabricator (Starter): 77
- Fabricator (Equipment): 44
- Lockdown Override Unit: 36
- Safety Anchor: 31
- Annihilator Tile: 26
- Fabricator (Legacy): 11
- Door: 7
- Acute Cannon: 7
- Spawn Point: 3
- Obtuse Cannon: 3
- Bulk Ejector: 2
- Bulk Loading Bay Designator: 1