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  • Live for: 336 days and 10 hours
  • Blueprints stored: 243
  • Size of the strings: 546.225 KB
  • Size of the titles and descriptions: 6.165 KB
  • Size of the preview images: 62.8 MB
  • Time spent rendering the current previews: 5 minutes and 8.848 seconds
  • Blueprint views: 466
  • Blueprint commands: 67555 build and 18017 config
  • Blueprint contents: 16342069
    • Cargo Hatch: 48188
    • Loader: 28227
    • Iron Block: 24446
    • Hyper Rubber Block: 22974
    • Ladder: 12212
    • Cannon: 6664
    • Hyper Ice Block: 6146
    • Expando Box: 4859
    • Item Net: 4342
    • Walkway: 3633
    • Shield Generator: 3618
    • Pusher: 3461
    • Thruster: 2749
    • Fluid Tank: 2423
    • Logistics Rail: 1171
    • Fabricator (Munitions): 1007
    • Cargo Ejector: 951
    • Recycler: 694
    • Thruster (Starter): 432
    • Starter Cannon: 287
    • Fabricator (Engineering): 274
    • Helm (Starter): 214
    • Navigation Unit (Starter): 179
    • Shield Projector: 170
    • Cargo Hatch (Starter): 161
    • Fabricator (DEPRECATED): 155
    • Turret Controller: 131
    • Comms Station: 56
    • Machine Cannon: 48
    • Munitions Supply Unit: 42
    • Lockdown Override Unit: 36
    • Burst Cannon: 33
    • Fabricator (Starter): 31
    • Helm: 26
    • Annihilator Tile: 26
    • Fabricator (Equipment): 16
    • Safety Anchor: 15
    • Fabricator (Legacy): 11
    • Door: 7
    • Acute Cannon: 3
    • Obtuse Cannon: 2
    • Spawn Point: 1
    • Bulk Ejector: 1
    • Bulk Loading Bay Designator: 1