Blueprint editing tools. Use the mouse buttons to move and zoom the previews, and right-click to copy/save.

Input Blueprint


Use the other editor for better cropping.

Margins: For example, to remove the hull from a full ship blueprint: Set the margins to 1 and the mode to "delete".






Use the other editor for better flipping.


Use the other editor for better rotating.

Angle: °  


It removes any extra width and height (margins) from the blueprint.

Items to find:

Separate items with commas. See Item List. Categories: Air, Block, Buildable, Non-Buildable, Machine, 1x1 Machine, Big Machine, Hull Mounted

Replace with: (empty = delete)


When replacing "air", it does not take machine size into account. For example, it may place blocks behind a fabricator.

Sorts all the commands by item type. This makes the RCD execute all build commands of an item type in a row, which helps with feeding the RCD with items.

By default, it puts blocks and starters at the beginning, the boxes last, and others by ID (ascending). You can change it using the inputs below.

Custom order (first):

Custom order (last):

Separate items with commas. See Item List. Categories: Air, Block, Buildable, Non-Buildable, Machine, 1x1 Machine, Big Machine, Hull Mounted

Result ()